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Activated Carbon for Hydrogen Sulfide Removal

Date :2024-10-22
Classify: Activated Carbon
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a common yet problematic compound found in various industrial processes and natural environments. Its distinctive rotten egg odor and toxic properties make it a significant concern for both human health and industrial operations. In this blog, we'll explore the nature of hydrogen sulfide, its toxicity, and how activated carbon serves as an effective method for its removal.
Activated Carbon for Hydrogen Sulfide Removal

What is Hydrogen Sulfide?

Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless, flammable gas characterized by its strong odor of rotten eggs. It occurs naturally in crude petroleum, natural gas, volcanic gases, and hot springs. In industrial settings, it's commonly found in oil and gas operations, wastewater treatment plants, and paper mills.

How Toxic is Hydrogen Sulfide to Humans?

Hydrogen sulfide is highly toxic to humans, with effects varying based on concentration and exposure duration:
At low concentrations (0.00011-0.00033 ppm), it's detectable by smell.
At 10-20 ppm, it can cause eye irritation.
At 50-100 ppm, it leads to respiratory irritation and damage.
At 100-150 ppm, it can cause olfactory fatigue, making the gas undetectable by smell.
Concentrations above 700 ppm can lead to unconsciousness and death within minutes.
Chronic exposure to lower levels can cause headaches, fatigue, and neurological symptoms.

Hydrogen Sulfide Removal Methods

Choosing a suitable hydrogen sulfide removal method requires considering multiple factors, such as H₂S concentration, treatment volume, temperature, pressure, and economy. In practical applications, a comprehensive treatment technology combining multiple methods is often used to achieve the best treatment effect.

Activated carbon adsorption 

The huge specific surface area and unique pore structure of activated carbon can effectively adsorb hydrogen sulfide molecules in the gas. Activated carbon can also be further improved by surface modification, such as alkaline impregnation, to further improve the removal efficiency of hydrogen sulfide.

Molecular sieve adsorption

Molecular sieves with specific pore sizes can selectively adsorb hydrogen sulfide molecules. This method is widely used in natural gas purification.

Iron oxide method

Iron oxide or iron hydroxide as an absorbent can react chemically with hydrogen sulfide to generate iron sulfide. This method is simple and easy to operate and is suitable for the treatment of low-concentration hydrogen sulfide.

Alkali washing method

Alkaline solutions such as sodium hydroxide solutions can absorb hydrogen sulfide to form soluble sulfides. This method is efficient, but the operating cost is high.

How does activated carbon remove Hydrogen Sulfide?

coconut coal activated carbon
Activated carbon removes hydrogen sulfide through a combination of physical adsorption and chemical reactions. 
Physical Adsorption:  the extensive pore structure of activated carbon provides a large surface area for adsorption, which can absorb hydrogen sulfide. Such as, coconut shell activated carbon offers high adsorption capacity and efficiency for H₂S due to its microporous structure. Besides, coal base activated carbon provides a good balance of micro and mesopores, which is suitable for applications with mixed contaminants.
Chemisorption: In the presence of oxygen and moisture, H₂S can react on the carbon surface to form elemental sulfur.
The reaction: 2 H₂S + O₂ → 2 S + 2 H₂O
Catalytic Oxidation: Some activated carbons can catalyze the oxidation of H₂S to sulfuric acid.
The reaction: 2 H₂S + 3 O₂ → 2 H₂SO₄

Impregnated Activated Carbon

Impregnation significantly enhances the H₂S removal capacity of activated carbon. Common impregnants include:
Potassium Hydroxide (KOH):  KOH impregnated Carbon increases the pH of the carbon surface.
Reaction: H₂S + 2 KOH → K₂S + 2 H₂O
The resulting K₂S can further oxidize to K₂SO₄.

Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH): it is similar to KOH, and increases alkalinity.
Reaction: H₂S + 2 NaOH → Na₂S + 2 H₂O

Potassium Iodide (KI):  it catalyzes the oxidation of H₂S to sulfur.
Reaction: 2 H₂S + O₂ → 2 S + 2 H₂O (catalyzed by KI)

Metal Oxides (e.g., Copper Oxide, Iron Oxide): it reacts with H₂S to form metal sulfides, such as CuO + H₂S → CuS + H₂O.

Impregnation Process:

•  The activated carbon is soaked in a solution containing the impregnant.
•  The carbon is then dried and sometimes heat-treated to distribute the impregnant evenly.
•  The impregnation level typically ranges from 1% to 15% by weight, depending on the application.

Factors Affecting Hydrogen Sulfide Adsorption Performance:

• Humidity: Higher humidity generally improves H₂S removal for impregnated carbons.
• Temperature: Lower temperatures usually favor adsorption.
• Contact Time: Longer contact times increase removal efficiency.
• H₂S Concentration: Higher concentrations may require more heavily impregnated carbons.
In practice, the choice of activated carbon and impregnation method depends on the specific application, H₂S concentration, presence of other contaminants, and operating conditions. For optimal performance, it's often necessary to conduct lab tests or pilot studies to determine the most effective type of activated carbon and impregnation for a given scenario.


Hydrogen sulfide (H₂S) is a common but toxic compound that poses a serious threat to human health. Activated carbon is one of the effective methods to remove H₂S, which is achieved through a combination of physical adsorption and chemical reaction. Different types of activated carbon (such as coconut shell-based, coal-based) and impregnation treatments (such as KOH, NaOH, KI, etc.) can significantly improve the removal efficiency.

Zhulin Carbon focuses on providing efficient hydrogen sulfide removal solutions. We offer many types of activated carbon products, including granular activated carbon, activated carbon columnar granules and powdered activated carbon, to meet a variety of application needs. Our team of experts can customize the best solution for you. Contact us today to solve your hydrogen sulfide problem.
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